Glam Latte Walgreens Red Phone Today’s post may be sponsored by Walgreens, but this is an important topic and something I think we should discuss. You guys know if I am partnering with a brand, there is a good reason and this one is personal….


In today’s social media world, it’s hard not to feel bad about our imperfect lives, when everyone else looks like they have it all. But looks can be deceiving, especially when it comes to social media.

Sometimes people are carrying with them, chronic conditions that no one sees. It is not an easy thing because people often judge things without having any idea. Social media can make them feel bad about what they are dealing with.


I am someone that on the outside, looks otherwise fit, and healthy. But I struggle with insulin resistance and it’s something that affects my weight constantly. It’s a battle. If gone unchecked I could end up with diabetes and it all stems from a condition called Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) which there’s very little known about.

I want you to know that if you are dealing with something, you are not alone. Even someone like me, who’s on social media, seemingly fine, seemingly having it all together….I’m on medications, and dealing with all that comes with it. No body is perfect and it’s ok. 🙂

So due to this chronic condition I have to take medication every single day, probably for the rest of my life. This can be a nuisance, especially when I go to get it and realize I am down to my last one and the pharmacy is closing. Or it’s a holiday. Or I’m traveling. Life is busy and it’s just one more thing to think about. Missing medication can really throw my body off, which affects EVERYTHING so it’s really important to stay on top of it.

Glam Latte Walgreens


I found out about the Walgreens App and the way it makes streamlining this process so easy, I decided to partner with them to share it with you guys. If you’re like me and lead a busy lifestyle, this is something that can definitely help simplify an otherwise mundane task!

Here are some of the things the app can help with:

  1. If you’re ever confused about medication, you don’t have to wait until morning to get answers. The Walgreens 24/7 Pharmacy Chat is always available to help.
  2. Set a pill reminder feature on to keep you on track so you never run out of medication at the most inconvenient times (this is a big one for me!)
  3. Save a Trip Refill and Walgreens Express TM help make medication refills quick and easy. 

If you can benefit from this you can download the app which is available for IOS & Android.

 It’s important to me to help enrich your life and make things easier so let me know if you try the app and if it helps!


This post is sponsored by Walgreens, however, all opinions are ALWAYS my own! Thank you for supporting brands that make Glam Latte possible!

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