I know everyone always looks forward to Fridays, but today I am more than the usual excited for it to be here. This week has been nuts and that combined with the dreary rain, which is a natural downer, I feel exhausted!!
Last nights photo shoot was a lot of fun and I am looking forward to seeing the pics. As soon as I get them I will be sure to share 🙂
Although the very name leg warmers makes me think of Flashdance, this season they are making a come back, and I have to say, combined with boots I am kind of digging it! I bought this pair last fall at F21 and although couldn’t of predicted their return, I am having fun playing with them!
{Jacket – H&M, T shirt – Forever21, Jeans – Citizens of Humanity, Bag – B. Makowski, Leg Warmers – Forever21, boots – Airwalk (circa 6 years ago!), O necklace – street vendor NYC, Charm necklace – Jessica Matrasko (gift)}
Photos by Patti Anglin