Let’s Talk Birth Control

Preventeza Emergency Contraceptive

So I’ve been thinking…in this world of digital influence and social media, there is a lot of pressure to keep up appearances. We paint this picture of perfection that is just not always representing real life. I really want to make changes to this and start going to places we haven’t gone before, like real life, awkward, uncomfortable to talk about issues, because I feel like the more we talk about them, the less weird we will feel about them. Oh and the less let down we will all feel when our lives are not insta-perfect ya know?

Ok so let’s just jump right in with a taboo topic… unplanned pregnancy. Yep, I’m going there, because let’s be honest, it’s real life. And also, I think it’s important to start de-stigmatizing women’s issues. There are so many things we deal with as women that we are made to feel shame for if we openly talk about it. It’s like we are supposed to pretend that we don’t bleed once a month, we don’t get yeast infections and we don’t have to worry about unplanned pregnancy. Um…yes. We do. And why should we feel bad about it? It’s a part of LIFE!

So for this post, I partnered with Vagisil® because they have been Shameless About Vaginal Health™ and sexual wellness for over 40 years. They’re on a mission to create solutions for intimate and sexual health issues affecting women and ensure we never feel ashamed.


Did you know 1-in-2 women may need emergency contraception at some point in her life? ONE IN TWO! Any woman who is sexually active is running that risk and even if you practice safe sex, unexpected things can happen. This is an issue that affects all of us and that is why Vagisil® created Preventeza™ a one tablet, one dose emergency contraceptive that helps stop pregnancy before it starts.


With a lot of things in life, preparation is key. Thinking a few steps ahead, expecting the unexpected and having contingency plans can make all the difference. It also applies to being prepared for unplanned pregnancy.

Preventeza™ uses the same ingredient as most birth control pills, just at a higher dose. Use as directed within 3 days (72 hours) of unprotected sex or birth control failure to help prevent pregnancy before it starts. See here for full product information and details.


I don’t want to get too deep on you, but hear me out. It’s important to know this: you have one body, and it’s YOURS. There is no shame in making choices that are right for you NO MATTER WHAT THEY ARE. It’s my wish for us as women to feel empowered enough to make the decisions that are best for us with confidence and conviction. What’s right for you, may not be right for someone else, but we need to support each other as women.

That’s my two cents and I hope together we can help spread more awareness on issues that affect all of us!

Preventeza Emergency Contraceptive


This post is sponsored by Vagisil® and Her Campus Media. All opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting the brands that make Glam Latte possible! Use as directed. See here for full product information.


1 Comment

  1. October 29, 2018 / 10:05 am

    I’ve been using birth control for almost a year now and is the best decision I’ve ever made. It’s one less thing I have to worry about in my everyday life.

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