Debunking the Emergency Contraceptive Myth

Preventeza women's issues vagisil

I remember growing up and everyone talking about being on ‘the pill.’ In my teen years I remember it almost being a badge of honor to say you were on it.

When you think about it, it’s kind of strange that we are so open about talking about preventative birth control methods, i.e.. the pill, condoms, IUDs etc. but we never talk about what to do in an emergency-after-the-fact-damage-is-done situation. And those happen more than we talk about. In fact, 1 in 2 women may need emergency contraceptive at some point in their life!

Vagisil® has been Shameless About Vaginal Health™ for over 40 years delivering solutions for the intimate and sexual health issues affecting women. Which is why it is no surprise they created Preventeza™ the one tablet, one dose emergency contraceptive that helps stop pregnancy before it starts.

I did one post on this topic already talking a lot about the importance of de-stigmatizing women’s issues. I truly think the best way to do it is to talk about it more openly. So I wanted to cover a few main concerns I didn’t discuss in the last one.


Let’s debunk that myth right now. This IS NOT an abortion pill. Preventeza™ delivers synthetic progestin, which is the same ingredient used in most birth control pills, just at a higher dose. What it does is help prevent pregnancy before it starts by delaying ovulation. Preventeza™ does NOT work if you are pregnant and will not affect an existing pregnancy.


A Preventeza™ tablet costs $46.99 and they are currently running a Buy One, Get One Free promotion that is applied at checkout. Preventeza™ may be more expensive than condoms, but much less expensive than an unexpected pregnancy, ya feel me?


Listen, it’s not the most comfortable topic, I get it. But it IS a reality women face and the best way to deal with it is to BE PREPARED. With everything going on in the world, having the choice to build a family when you are ready is one we all deserve, so if you have a ‘whoops’ moment, just know, you have options and there is absolutely no shame in that.

Preventeza women's issues vagisilPreventeza women's issues vagisil


This post is sponsored by Vagisil®  and Her Campus Media. All opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting the brands that make Glam Latte possible!

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