An Easy Way to Choose Vitamins That are Right For You

Made for vitamins

Ok so you’ve decided to get serious about your health and fitness journey, you know you need to add vitamins into your daily routine, but you go to the aisle at your local drugstore and stare at bottle upon bottle of different things and have NO IDEA what to get or what you even need….

I know how that feels. Choosing vitamins can be super overwhelming, and you definitely don’t want to be wasting money on things you don’t need or skipping over things that could really help you.

So I’ve found this REALLY cool service called Made For_ that can fix that problem and I am partnering with them for today’s post to tell you guys about it. I went through the service myself to decide if I liked it and I really believe this could help you guys out.

Made for vitamins


So Made For_ is a vitamin customization service that suggests unique vitamins based on your needs. Made for_ leverages four pillars for optimal health: nutrition, sleep, stress and movement to craft your custom recommendations. When you go to their website, they start out with a quiz and the answers you give will be used to give you a recommended list.

You can pick and choose which vitamins to add to your pack and each one has a price listed next to it so the monthly cost is also customizable to your budget which i think is just great. Once you order they send you a cute little cube that has a roll of individual packs that have your name on it and are numbered for 30 days so you know exactly how many you’ve taken. I think this is awesome because there have been so many times that I absentmindedly take my vitamins, and then later I can’t remember doing it. So rather than accidentally taking them twice, I can now look at the number on the next pack and I will know.

It also comes with a nutrition sheet that gives all the ingredients of each vitamin as well as a card that has the name and photo of each pill so you always know what’s what.

Made for vitamins


So when I took my quiz, I was recommended 5 supplements. Vitamin D3, which is no surprise, my blood work always comes back that I’m deficient in D so it’s something I really have to take. Lack of Vitamin D can really zap your energy levels and that’s no bueno.

I was recommended CLA based on a question about my fitness goals (I want to burn fat!) This supplement really helps with the fat burning process.

The Pre/probiotics for the gut, which is another thing I am constantly working on and really aware of. There were many years that my gut flora was really out of whack and these past few years I’ve made it a priority to make sure I’m taking care of that.

Chasteberry was a recommendation I wasn’t familiar with, but it was based on answers I gave about my menstral cycle and PMS symptoms. This is suppose to help with those symptoms by regulating the hormones.

Lasting, I was recommended Omega 3’s, however, I already had those on hand, so I customized my pack with just the 4 pills.

So when I ordered, they got here SUPER fast. The shipping is free with every order (score!)  and it arrives in 2 to 3 days.

I have really found Made for_ helpful now that I am getting up and out the door super early every morning to get my workouts done before the Vegas heat kicks up, I can grab my pack and go. I’m really loving it.

Made for vitamins


The FDA is not required to test vitamins, so a lot of times you may have no idea  where ingredients in a product come from. That can be kind of scary. Made for_ keeps it transparent by performing (and publishing) a chemical analysis for each vitamin so that way there is no question about what you are putting in your body.

Also, there are a lot of vitamins out there that put fillers in their pills and it is so frustrating for someone like me who has food sensitivities. Many of their pills are also  Non GMO, Gluten Free Hypoallergenic and Vegan.

Another cool thing Made for_ does, is after your almost done with your first month and it’s time to order more, you can talk to one of their Nutrition Scientists to monitor your progress and update your vitamin mix. So if there are changes, and you need recommendations or guidance, they are there for you.

Made for vitamins

I hope you guys found this helpful. Any way that we can have help with living the most healthy life possible is great, because there is so much to choose from, so much misinformation out there, and when there is some, it’s usually SO expensive. I love that you can customize this to not only your health needs, but your budget.

Head over and check out Made For_ and you can use the code BLOGLOVE10 to save on your order! (You can thank me later!)


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